Basil’s Quest

A Tale of Dogged Determination

By Gracie H. Vandiver

About the Author

Gracie Vandiver headshot - Gracie smiles into the camera. Her chestnut hair rests on her shoulders and she wears a sleeveless blue v-neck blouse

Photo by Brandon Jackson

I’ve rescued many animals, but one dog rescue in particular compelled me to write a children’s chapter book based on my experience.

Basil’s Quest, A Tale of Dogged Determination, is a story about resilience and the power of love. Told from a dog’s perspective, the book conveys that one’s past need not decide one’s future, but instead can shape it for the better.

I share my love of books as the steward of “Gracie’s Little Free Library” (Charter #83579, located In Nashville, Tennessee). Little Free Libraries provide free access to books through public neighborhood bookcases maintained by volunteers.

Gracie's Free Little Library © Gracie H Vandiver

Learn More About Little Free Libraries at

Gracie's Free Little Library © Gracie H Vandiver
Gracie's Free Little Library © Gracie H Vandiver
Gracie's Free Little Library © Gracie H Vandiver

Learn More About Little Free Libraries at

My husband, Jerry, and I are active in the rescue dog transporting community, helping homeless animals relocate to states where they have a better chance of being adopted. We have welcomed many rescue dogs into our family over the years, including our two current pack members who fill our days with smiles and waggy tails.

When I’m not writing I make watercolor paintings, tend to the fairy garden I started during the pandemic, and I curate a Little Free Art Gallery. I also love to take our dogs on walks so they can enjoy the lovely scents beyond their own backyard.

© Gracie H Vandiver